Friends is one of my favorite series of all time!  Even though it was released well before my time, I still enjoy watching the show and can’t get enough of it. In fact, I recently made a list of my top ten favorite episodes of Friends…but I cheated a little. Since it’s hard to only pick ten episodes, this list consists of my favorite episode from each of the ten seasons to make it easier for me to narrow the list down.  

Season 10, Episode 8: The One With the Late Thanksgiving

The last season! Monica doesn’t want to make Thanksgiving dinner, but the friends convince her to cook. She agrees, but is angry when everyone is late to the dinner, so she refuses to let them inside. Chaos ensues as Joey’s head gets stuck in the door while he also manages to later land in the Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone ends up coming together in the end when they find out that Monica and Chandler have found new hope with adoption! 

Season 9, Episode 18: The One With the Lottery

The lottery is at an extreme high so the friends, except Ross, pool their money together to try and win. The episode has everyone discussing what they would do with their money. They all turn on each other when they discover Monica has bought extra tickets without telling them. Moreover, Emma also says her first word, which is debatable as to whether or not it’s a real word. Chandler is also waiting to see if he got a job at an advertising company. In the end, everyone joins together and discover that nobody won the jackpot, but are distraught to find out that someone has won an even larger prize after finding a ticket on the street. We, as the audience, know that could’ve very well been one of their tickets after Phoebe accidentally dropped them out of the window.  

Season 8, Episode 9: The One With the Rumor

A Thanksgiving episode with a guest star! Monica is making Thanksgiving dinner for everyone and invites an old friend of Ross’s. Turns out that this old friend used to hate Rachel.  Monica, Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel are arguing over a past rumor of Rachel from high school. Meanwhile, Joey has made it his goal to eat an entire Thanksgiving turkey and goes to the extreme of putting on Rachel’s maternity pants. 

Season 7, Episode 10: The One With the Holiday Armadillo

In this episode, Ross wants to teach his son, Ben, about Hanukkah. Phoebe is mad that Rachel is getting to live with Joey because she hates her current living situation. I love the lengths that Phoebe goes to in order to get Rachel to switch apartments with her. Also, Chandler almost ruins Ross’s plans to teach Ben about Hanukkah when he shows up dressed as Santa Clause, who Ben actually prefers. In the end, everything gets resolved as Ross manages to teach Ben about Hanukkah while the roommate situation is also resolved.   

Season 6, Episode 9: The One Where Ross Got High

Another Thanksgiving episode! But this one has a lot going on. Rachel is making dessert for everyone, which turns out horribly when she combines two recipes. Ross and Joey are trying to leave the apartment to hang out with a group of dancers. Chandler and Monica are trying to tell Monica’s parents that they live together, but her parents hate Chandler because of a false rumor. I actually love the chaos going on in this episode and it leaves the audience constantly wondering what’s going to happen next.  

Season 5, Episode 8: The One With All the Thanksgivings

Another Thanksgiving episode! However, this episode shows Thanksgiving’s of the past in which everyone shares their worst Thanksgiving memory. This involves four of the cast members dressing up to try and appear as their younger selves would have. Monica and Chandler are now dating, and Monica’s worst Thanksgiving involved her accidentally cutting off Chandler’s toe. The episode ends with Chandler telling Monica that he loves her!  

Season 4, Episode 12: The One With the Embryos

Even though Monica and Rachel lose their apartment in this episode, it is still my favorite episode from this season. Monica and Rachel think they know more about Chandler and Joey than Chandler and Joey know about them. Meanwhile, Phoebe is trying to get pregnant with her brother’s babies (you’ll understand if you watch). I love how competitive Monica is and she takes everything to the next level by betting her entire apartment. The ending of the episode is bittersweet because Phoebe is finally pregnant, even if Monica and Rachel are still angry about losing the apartment.  

Season 3, Episode 9: The One With the Football

Another Thanksgiving episode, but it’s probably my favorite Thanksgiving episode. The episode follows the friends as they compete against one another in a game of touch football.  Ross and Monica are especially competitive as their old sibling rivalry is renewed. The ending is perfect as Ross and Monica are left fighting over the football while the other friends enjoy dinner inside. I love this episode because each of the friends are caught up in doing their own thing in the middle of the football game. For example, Chandler and Joey competing over a woman’s attention.  

Season 2, Episode 19: The One Where Eddie Won’t Go

This episode follows Chandler and his misadventures with his new roommate, Eddie.  Meanwhile, Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe read a book where they learn that men are taking their “wind” (best explained by watching). The ending of the episode is, of course, the best when Chandler and Joey are reunited as roommates. However, my favorite parts of the episode include all the weird things Chandler’s roommate does to him while also acting like they never happened. There is retribution in the end for Chandler, and for the audience, when Joey and Chandler are reunited and finally force Eddie to leave.  

Season 1, Episode 9: The One Where Underdog Gets Away

The first of many Thanksgiving episodes of Friends. It begins with Monica agreeing to cook a Thanksgiving meal for Ross after their parents tell them they are not doing it this year.  Slowly, everyone else’s plans go awry and they all join Monica and Ross for Thanksgiving. Furthermore, after one of the balloons from the Macy’s parade gets loose, the friends rush to the roof to get a better view, unknowingly locking themselves out while the Thanksgiving food burns inside. The Thanksgiving episodes of Friends are always iconic and this one is no exception. I chose this episode because I like how each of the friends has original Thanksgiving plans that all get canceled, but they end up with each other to have a “crappy” holiday.  

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